As the days get longer and we leave the cold of winter behind us, it’s time to get out into the garden and prepare for the summer months ahead.
Prepare your soil
You’ll have cut back a lot at the end of Autumn, but now is the time to get those flowerbeds, raised beds, containers and pots ready for the growing season ahead.
It’s the perfect time to thoroughly weed beds, clear debris and get organic matter into the soil, to enrich it with nutrients and improve drainage. You can also aerate the soil, with a garden fork or an aerator. While it can be hard work after the winter months, this will break up compacted soil, improve the flow of air and water that will help your plants stay healthy and thrive.
Once this is done, you may want to mulch to keep moisture in and reduce weeds from taking over before you get your plants into the soil.
Lawn Care
If your lawn has struggled this winter, taking action now can help to make sure your lawn is lush and health for the summer ahead.
If you have some key bare patches, you may want to reseed them now. Or if the general lawn health is struggling, you might choose to scarify and overseed the whole lawn.
Planting & Growing
Have you planned what you want to grow in your garden this summer? Whether bright and fragrant flowers, or delicious vegetables, berries and fruit, having a plan for when different seeds need to be sown, when they should be planted out and where they will go, will help you prioritise tasks to prepare for the growing season.
You can get seeds going in your greenhouse or on sunny windowsills now, for the first blooms and splashes of colour.
You may have some much-loved plants overwintering inside or in your greenhouse. You can plan now for how and when you will move them back out when the frosts have passed.
Garden Structures & Features
As we head towards the months when we want to be outside and enjoy our gardens more, it’s a great time to make sure that your garden furniture is up to the task. You can clean it all down, and check whether repairs or replacements are needed after the winter months. It might be time to rethink how you use your space, or to set up beautiful peaceful spaces to enjoy as the weather gets warmer.
How are your fences doing? Are they in need of repairs, repainting or any other maintenance?
Paths & Borders
If your paths have been damaged this winter, or just need a good scrubbing down, now is a good time to tend to them. Loose paving stones can be fixed, or broken ones replaced.
Before you fill your flower beds with beautiful plants, take some time to look at the edges of your borders, and see if any maintenance is needed to keep your garden looking lovely this summer.
Greenhouse & Cold Frame
If you have a greenhouse or a cold frame, you’ll want to make sure it’s ready for the growing season ahead. Start with a thorough check of the structure. Are all the panes of glass intact, are the vents and doors all working? Make time for any repairs needed, and then make sure the greenhouse is clean and ready for growing season ahead. If you’ve been overwintering plants, check them for pests or issues, and clear out any any that haven’t made it through the winter.
You can get seeds into soil now, so as soon as your maintenance and cleaning is done, dig out your trusty seed trays and make sure you have all the tools, compost, seeds and provisions you need to get those green shoots peeking through.
Watering & Hydration
If you have an irrigation system or sprinkler, make sure it is in working order now and that the winter hasn’t left it with any leaks or problems. If you don’t already have one, you could start rainwater harvesting now, to store up spring showers for drier months ahead. As the summer starts, you’ll want to plan a regular and manageable watering routine, especially as daytime temperatures rise. Watering early morning and late evening are the best options to avoid water evaporating rather then replenishing your plants.
Pest & Disease Preventing
Take time in the spring to check for signs of pests and disease, that may be much more easily managed if caught early. Whatever approaches you prefer for pest control, you can start making plans now, whether that’s companion planting or use of organic pesticides. If you find signs of disease, read up on how to prevent it spreading, and be ready to get bold with your pruning shears to promote healthy new growth.
Final Touches
With all the practical things out of the way, now is a great time to think about what will make your garden most enjoyable for you this summer. Are there any new flowers or vegetables you’d like to try growing? Is there something beautiful you can place in that shady corner you missed last year? Would some solar-lights or ornaments such as a well-positioned mirror bring a fresh sparkle to your space?
Your garden is your space to enjoy, so amidst all the tasks that keep it looking and feeling lovely, make sure you prioritise the things that will bring a smile to your face and make it a welcoming space for your family.